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Showing posts from November, 2020

Pre and post-wedding ceremonies in Indian marriages.

Marriage is a sacred bond of love, life, and commitment. A wedding is a part of a marriage, it is one of the many ceremonies we have in Indian marriages. The pre and post-wedding ceremonies make an Indian marriage different from the others, celebrating both the family’s culture and region and respecting each other’s rituals make the bond stronger between the families, because after all, marriage is not between two people it is between two families! As you may know, in India there is a total of 16 different sansakars to be performed throughout a man’s life and a wedding is one of them. Weddings are all about fun, food, celebration, gifts, and grand arrangements. But when you look behind the scenes, you’ll find lots of steps and ceremonies that have been followed by the respective families. The affair starts from the mangni ceremony , which you may refer as an engagement or a sagai. To formally announce the rishta to the society, the bride and groom exchange rings to signify the engagem...