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Showing posts from June, 2021

Organise your wedding ceremony like a professional.

If it is a dream to organise your marriage ceremony in an exotic location and you have the money, then you can hire one of the best wedding planners in Delhi, India . However, if you don’t want to spend a huge chunk of your resources on a wedding planner, but do it on your own, then you will need a few tips. We have to tell you at the earliest that organising such a big ceremony on your own in another place without the support of a wedding planner is a bad decision, but if you are confident in your abilities and have the requisite skills and experience, then go ahead and make it a success. To help you in this endeavor we have put together a list of tips that we have got from the best destination wedding planner in Delhi, India . You can follow it to make the ceremony a grand success. 1). The first part of organising a big wedding ceremony is to fix your budget. When you know how much money you can spend on the marriage ceremony, then you can plan where you want to organise the ...

How to make your marriage ceremony give a modern vibe?

Tradition plays a huge role in our marriage ceremonies and it has very important social as well as cultural dimensions. You mustn’t mess with this beautiful tradition which is the foundation of our society and how people relate with each other socially. However, with passing times, there are certain aspects of the marriage ceremony where you can put in some modern elements so that it syncs well with the current times. If you are a bit confused about what ideas you can put in your marriage ceremony to make it look more modern, then you can take the help of the best wedding planner in Delhi, India who has huge experience in this field and will be able to guide you how to make your marriage ceremony the talk of the town. In this article, we will love to share with you some amazing ideas that you can include in your planning process to make your marriage ceremony a great hit with your guests. 1). In the traditional marriage ceremony , we love to give our guests sweet packets as a way o...